Experience the Power of Faith
To SEEK God's Presence within, to SHARE God's Love and to SERVE God's Creation.
To SEEK God's Presence within, to SHARE God's Love and to SERVE God's Creation.
Edgewater Unity is a ministry that offers a welcoming space for people to explore their spirituality through Sunday services, metaphysical classes, prayer, meditation, and social gatherings. Based on the Unity Teaching, our community provides a gathering place where individuals can discover and experience their divinity.
Reverend Nancy Saputro is an ordained Unity Minister. She has served Unity Ministries for over thirty years as a Speaker, Teacher, Youth Education Director, Prayer Room Associate and Spiritual Counselor. Rev. Nancy has founded two churches in Florida and is currently serving Edgewater Unity in Edgewater, Florida. Since graduation from Unity School for Religious Studies Ministerial Education Program and ordination by the Association of Unity Churches she has obtained a Masters degree in Christian Counseling and a PhD in Christian Education. Rev. Nancy was honored to serve as a spiritual care volunteer with Hospice of Volusia/Flagler counties. Her passion is to assist others in discovering "the Christ within" and to live wholesome and abundant lives. As a spiritual coach and teacher she encourages individuals to remember that the purpose for living is to love, to live peacefully, and to experience a life of prosperity. Rev. Nancy is available for counseling, weddings, memorials, pet and house blessings and other special services.
Our ministry provides a gathering place where people can come together to experience their divinity through:
Sunday services of spiritual celebration Classes of metaphysical study, prayer, meditation, spiritual coaching.
Social gatherings. Edgewater Unity is based on Unity Teaching
UNITY: A positive and practical set of beliefs. We metaphysically articulate the teachings of Jesus Christ, as interpreted by co-founders Charles and Myrtle Fillmore.
THE UNITY BELIEF SYSTEM: God is absolute good, everywhere present. Human beings have a spark of divinity in them, the Christ Spirit within. Their very essence is of God, and therefore, they are inherently good.
Human beings create their experiences by the activity of their thinking. Everything in the manifest realm has its beginning in thought. Prayer is creative thinking that heightens the connection with God-mind and therefore, brings forth wisdom, healing, prosperity, and everything good. Knowing and understanding the laws of life, also called truth, are not enough. A person must also live the truth that he or she knows.
Unity is a way of life based upon the bible and the teachings of Jesus the Christ. Unity stresses the applicability of all that He taught, said, and did within the framework of today. We believe that you can find fulfillment in Unity if you are looking for a teaching that:
1. Offers a scientifically sound, psychologically healthy, intellectually challenging, and spiritually satisfying approach.
2. Gives you freedom to grow spiritually at your own pace and to evolve your own working philosophy of ideas and beliefs.
3. Has no creed requirements; never asks you to profess something you may not believe.
4. Does not impose any financial burden on its adherents; is supported by free will offerings and looks upon tithing and other forms of giving as the joyous response of a generous spirit-filled soul.
5. Sees religion as an open-ended search for Truth rather than as a closed system.
6. Offers more than a once-a-week religion; gives you positive ideas to think on and to apply in your daily living seven days a week.
7. Feels it has no exclusive right to, or "corner" on Truth.
8. Emphasizes the spiritual unity of all churches, faiths, and people in Truth.
9. Welcomes, in dignity and love, people of all races, religion, social backgrounds, lifestyles, and economic levels.
10. Proclaims the divinity of the Christ as expressed through Jesus, but goes further and assures that you, like Him, possess this same Christ potential.
11. Declares that as a child of God you inherit God's infinite possibilities for good.
12. Teaches that no negative condition of mind, body, or affairs is incurable.
13. Teaches that God is the source of all good.
14. Sees prayer not as a means of changing God, but rather as a tool that expands and transforms your mind - thus changing you.
15. Assures you that you can commune with God directly without intercessor or intermediary.
16. Affirms God's will is absolute good for everyone.
17. Believes in the indwelling Spirit of the Christ within everyone.
18. Describes heaven or the "kingdom" as a state of consciousness which can be experienced wherever we find ourselves, rather than a place we dwell in a static eternity.
19. Teaches the reality of life and accepts that individuals may experience many life opportunities in the journey to conscious oneness with God.
20. Teaches that each is on a path of unfoldment with the ability to "speak the word" for healing, joy, and supply, and give thanks for the outer help of humankind as directed by God in prayer.
TEACHING "And Jesus went all about Galilee teaching in their synagogues." Matthew 4:23 "Unity is a link in the great educational movement inaugurated by Jesus Christ, our objective is to discern the truth in Christianity and prove it. The truth that we teach is not new, neither do we claim special revelations or discovery of new religious principles. Our purpose is to help and teach mankind to use and prove the eternal truth taught by the Master." Charles Fillmore (Co-founder of the Unity School of Christianity).
PREACHING "And he went about all Galilee... preaching the gospel of the kingdom." Matthew 4:23 "Jesus preached, the kingdom of God cometh not with observations: neither shall they say, 'Lo, here, or there! For lo, the kingdom of God is within you'." Luke 17:20, 21 "Awake! Sleeper in the human mind. Rise out of low ideals into the high. Rouse yourself for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. You are a king! Bestir yourself, the Christ of God is born in you, and the hour of your reign is truly at hand. "The kingdom of heaven, the new dimension of mind and energy, is being unfolded today...its source is not in outer things. It comes from sources within men. So we must develop spiritual understanding and spiritual power. Man is the out-picturing of the infinite and creative mind, and all the capacity of that great Mind is his inheritance." Charles Fillmore
HEALING "...to be healthy is natural. It is a state of being sound or whole in mind, body and soul. To heal then is to bring forth the perfect Christ man that exists within each of us. "...we must have faith in Spirit and through our thinking build it into our consciousness, then our bodies will be restored to harmony, health, and eternal life. "Experience proves the power of words to bring health. In healing myself, I talk to my body, repeating necessary denials and affirmations. This raises my consciousness to spiritual reality where all healing power originates." Charles Fillmore
PRAYER "But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret and your Father who sees in secret will reward you." Matthew 6:6 (Jesus) "Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10 "Prayer is man's steady effort to know God. Through prayer we gain the intimate relationship with God that Jesus must have enjoyed when He said, 'I and the Father are one'. "Prayer is both invocation and affirmation. Meditation, concentration, denial, and affirmation in the silence are all forms of...prayer." Charles Fillmore
FELLOWSHIP "Our fellowship is with the Father and with his son, Jesus Christ. If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another." John 1-3, 7 "This Unity church is not really a place, but always a people; never a fold, but always a flock; never a sacred building, but always a believing assembly. "As we, individual students of truth, unite in sprit, drawn into cooperation and friendship through invisible bonds of love and mutual interest in the gospel of truth that Jesus taught, lived, and proved, we strengthen one another and work together in his name. We are mutually blessed as we grow in Christ consciousness together." Membership Dedication .. Unity Service Manual
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